Shade Systems

Hobby, Premium & Elite

Sproutwell® Shade Systems

Our Shade Systems offer superior climatic protection throughout summer by consistently reducing internal temperatures by up to 10 degrees. It also allows the Auto Vent Openers to operate without any interference as they are free to expand or contract (when pin is set on the second hole) depending on the inside temperature.

Why use a Shade System?

In many parts of Australia, cooling a greenhouse can be a greater problem than heating it! Keeping the greenhouse cool is accomplished by obtaining a balance of shading, ventilation and humidity. Providing the proper amount of each is the secret to a cool and functional greenhouse whilst also ensuring adequate light is maintained.

Garden Pro Shade Systems

The perfect summer accessory to continue growing through periods of the year when the Greenhouse internal temperatures are above 30 degrees.

Shop Garden Pro Shading Systems
Provincial Shade Systems

All shade systems can be fitted and added later, it’s important to note that each Greenhouse model roof vents must be removed in order to fit the ridge brackets.

Shop Provincial Shading Systems
Imperial Shade Systems

Our Imperial Greenhouse models all come standard with decorative cresting. We’ve designed our shading brackets to fit whilst the cresting remains in place.

Shop Imperial Shading Systems
Grange Shade Systems

Our Grange shading fits all sizes 3m, 4m and 5m widths. The length of the shade down each of the side walls will vary depending on which Grange model you purchase.

Shop Grange Shading Systems

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Aluminet?

It is a special knitted screen made from metalised fibre which gives it durability and longevity. It acts like a mirror as its unique aluminised nature reflects unwanted sunlight and harmful radiant heat from the greenhouse during summer and preserves heat inside the greenhouse during winter. At night the Aluminet fabric works as a thermal blanket, trapping the heat energy being released by the earth in the shaded area. This will help cut down nightime heat expenses and prevent frost damage to plants during the coldest times of the year.

Why do we choose 55% shade?

Its important to note that polycarbonate panels naturally block 10-15% light therefore if you settle for a shade factor of 70% it will inhibit growth of your plants due to inadequate light. Due to the superior reflection abilities and light weight properties of ALUMINET we decided it would be the perfect cloth to cover the outside of a greenhouse instead of using standard shade cloth that often absorbs heat.