The truth behind the Grange…
So it’s no secret our Grange Series has just been an amazing addition to our Sproutwell Range. What started as an idea to bring an easier assembly model to the market has evolved into it becoming one of Australia’s most sort after Greenhouse. There are many reasons for this…but here is just a few. Buyers can clearly see that what we market and claim is 100% truth. Seeing them on display in person just confirms that the Grange indeed cannot be compared to anything else on the market.
So what makes it different? There are varying degrees of ‘box-section’ frames…our Imperial range for example is known as a bar-capping system with a box-section frame. However, the size of the profiles still do not come anywhere near the Grange (so be aware when others claim to have the biggest and best, we always advise to compare for yourself in person before falling into the trap of misleading marketing jargon)
There is no denying that when panel bays can span 1m and they are being produced and sold (extremely high demand) in 3m, 4m, 5m and yes for specialty orders in 7m widths… Well clearly its because the engineering and carefully planned design allows us to offer such advances to the market. Most Greenhouses of this caliber should easily be able to span these widths- If they can’t they’re considered to be a ‘hobby/residential Greenhouse’.
It is the only Greenhouse that comes with what we call a ‘quick assembly connector system’. Now don’t be fooled into thinking its anything like a beach marquee or umbrella! LOL..
…AND trust us when we say it’s a lot more than a spring loaded push button click-system. We’re talking a 3mm heavy-duty solid steel spigot that sleeves into the box-section by 2inches each way.
Each section can be tightened (keeps long roof spans straight as a dye) and every 2m section in-between has a nut and bolt connection.
We provide snow load kits as standard for our 4m & 5m wide models (another big plus for buyers) so areas that experience 2ft of snow do not have to be concerned with the weight sitting on the roof of the Greenhouse. These…what are they called? Oh yes our competitor refers to them as being ‘hold the roof up bars’ is an “option” and not at all necessary (as you’ll see in 90% of our photos customers don’t use them).
When customers consider purchasing a Greenhouse over 6-8m in length it’s a HUGE plus and relief to know it will come with 300-400 less nuts and bolts than any other Greenhouse of that size…It is an easier product to work with and takes far less time to build.
It’s important to note that a lightweight cladding such as Polycarbonate ads little ‘strength nor does it assist with wind residence’. The most important factor to consider is how the panels are retained within the frame…A 10mm Twin Wall panel is far more ridged and will assist in tying the structure together however, it’s the design and size of the frame you need to consider when purchasing for high wind areas.
Why can Sproutwell claim the Grange is a ‘commercial grade structure’? Made from strong Aluminium Grade 6062 alloy, its strength, design, flexibility and corrosion resistance of this alloy is well in excess of the requirements of most major construction projects. A 40mmx40mm full box-section frame to entire structure takes it well outside the realms of a standard Greenhouse frame.
Every business is different and we acknowledge that one has no control if a competitor wishes to dedicate an entire section of their own product specification on their own website to Sproutwell. Many comment we should be flattered! Lol.
In all seriousness though, it’s a concern when they feel the need to outline every aspect of a product they do not sell or ever installed themselves. We understand a structure such as the Grange would be intimidating and of course competitors would be envious. However, at the end of the day all sorts of products, companies, brands and service will appeal to all sectors of the market. If, one was confident in their own designs, abilities and products then the only thing they should need to focus on is themselves.
As we say to most people who ask…’So what makes the Grange different to other 10mm Greenhouses on the market?’ It is a product that we are so proud of that we happily show off our profiles/frames at Field Days, in our Display Centre, online in photos, video’s…everywhere. That right there makes us different because rather than write about it…pump it up and claim that its everything we say it is…well frankly, we prove it.